Stories from the lives of Jared, Stephanie, Aubrey, Hannah and Dani Or, Jare-phanie-brey-nah-ni

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Birds and the Bees

    I seem to learn more and more about the birds and the bees as I continue to grow up!

    I'm not talking about the "birds and the bees" special talk involving awkward moments between embarrassed parents and immature teenagers, but actual birds and bees. 

    For the past few weeks of Spring, there have been some GIANT bumble bees outside our patio door (and an wasp that comes every now and then). They are big enough to where I am scared to go outside when I see one and they make that loud buzzing noise when they linger as if they are watching me...

    Good news though, after that crazy storm Monday night, they seem to have been washed away. 

    Previously, I have complained about the birds, but now they are not nearly as irritating. They must have been loud and obnoxious when trying to find Spring romance (much like teenage boys who try and impress girls and end up being irritating. I don't remember, but were boys the birds or the bees in the "special talk?" In this case, they are birds.)

    As I continue to learn more about these FASCINATING (disgusting) creatures, I have found a greater appreciation for them. 


    Somehow, spiders keep getting into my personal bubble! I hate spiders and I hate them being within 5 feet of me at ANY time! Jared once found a spider crawling on our bedroom wall and I freaked. When he was working and I was rearranging furniture, I found a spider hiding under my DVD thing. 

    When rearranging a different time, I found another spider under my blanket basket! 

    Today, I saw a spider in the kitchen. THE KITCHEN! I have all these terrible images now of the spider getting it's grossness all inside the fridge where our food is! I'm terrified they can smell the yummy food (I wish) and are trying to find a way inside the containers. I do NOT want to open up my lasagna pan and see some massive spider chomping on a noodle!
    I believe spiders avenge their dead kindred. They come out of those gross spider sacks by the hundreds and probably develop close, personal relationship with their brothers and sisters. 

    Sheesh, I kill one spider and all of a sudden 4 pop up! 

    Jared's youngest brother, Spencer, didn't like me killing spiders in the house. He preferred me to let them or or leave them alone saying: "How would YOU like a big shoe crushing you?"

    But I'm not killing these gross things for fun. I am killing them because one day they will all come after me at the same time. I have to destroy the enemy now as much as I can, so I can stand a chance when the remaining spiders attack....

    Maybe one day we can live in peace and harmony together, but that won't be until the Second Coming. 

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