Stories from the lives of Jared, Stephanie, Aubrey, Hannah and Dani Or, Jare-phanie-brey-nah-ni

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

New Scar

I burned myself! How do I always seem to burn myself on the SIMPLEST of things!

Today, I was hungry for toast so I got the oven preheated. I've SUCCESSFULLY made toast in the oven for YEARS because we don't have a toaster.

I got one piece in and then all the details BLUR together. Aubrey started to come in to the kitchen. I moved quickly to put another bread piece in and close the door at the same time. I didn't move my right hand fast enough and I hit the TOP of the oven while the bar was still RED from heating the oven.

After realizing what I had done, I SHRIEKED, TOSSED the bread in the air, SLAMMED the oven door and RAN to the sink to get some cold water running. Luckily I tossed the bread far enough that Aubrey thought it was a game and chased the bread. That became her lunch while I stood by the sink.

Poor Jared. He has to put up with me ALWAYS burning myself. I can't iron his shirts because I burn myself every other time. Sometimes I don't think and I try to move a frying pan on the stove by PUSHING it really quickly. Half the time I get a quick burn, but it goes away quickly.

My hand was red and burning for QUITE a while after the incident. I had cold water running on it. Then I wrapped up a piece of ice in a wet wash cloth so the cold could cool the burn. Then I put some aloe on it which made it sting. FINALLY, at Aubrey's naptime, I put her down, took some ibprofen and just SLEPT the burning off. 

The redness has gone away leaving a little over an inch scar between two knuckles on my right hand. It still hurts when I spread my fingers to do thing, but it's getting better. 

Needless to say, JARED will be making dinner tonight. I'll keep my DISTANCE from the oven and stove for a few days.

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