Stories from the lives of Jared, Stephanie, Aubrey, Hannah and Dani Or, Jare-phanie-brey-nah-ni

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Morning Conversation

    "I'm the cuddler in this relationship," said Jared this morning.
    "You're the cuddler only when you take up my space! When I try to cuddle with you, you move away," I replied. 
    "Well, I need my space," Jared said. 
    "So you can take up my space, but I can't take up any of yours?" I asked.
    "Exactly!" Jared exclaimed. 

    This short conversation was pretty funny for us this morning as we headed downtown so Jared could get to work. What brought it up is that I didn't sleep well last night because of our distinctly different sleeping styles. 

    My style: No air blowing on me, multiple blankets and I am on my own side of the bed. I have sweatpants, socks and a thick shirt on. If it is cold, I snuggle in closer to Jared to get his body heat. If air is blowing from the fan, I try to make a pillow wall or I try to use Jared as a shield. I'm a restless sleeper and if something isn't up to my standards, I don't sleep well.

    Jared's style: On top of the covers with a fan on/under a sheet when the AC is on. He sprawls out to reach the most comfortable position and sleeps like a rock most of the time.

    Problems with our differing styles: Usually I get some type of accidental injury. One night a long time ago I was karate chopped by Jared in his sleep (he really just rolled over and somehow his arm went flying over my mid-back to knock the air out of me). A few nights ago I was elbowed in the forehead when I was trying to snuggle on a "cold" night and he moved to switch positions. On several occasions I've woken up to find my space invaded by his legs or his whole body. That's when I try to push him over to no avail.

    There was one specific time he was sleeping diagonally. His head was normal on his pillow, but somehow his feet were pretty much hanging off my side of the bed. I'm not totally sure how that worked, but I was sleeping in a ball while he had control of 2/3rd the bed.

    Last night, Jared turned the fan on. We've been using the AC lately, so I had to get used to the air blowing and the buzzing sound of the fan again. It didn't work out so well. My pillow kept flopping over when I tried to make a wall, the blanket suffocated me when I covered my face from the air, it was useless. Finally, Jared moved to sleep on his side and I tried to use him a barricade. As soon as he felt me snuggle in, he moved to a flatter position, ruining my plan. 

    Eventually, I gave up, got my pillow and blanket and went out to the living room to sleep. I've taken many naps on this couch and thought it might be worth a shot to actually sleep on it. All in all, I only got a couple hours of sleep last night and decided I was going to drop Jared off at work and then take the car back home so I can sleep for a little bit before work in the afternoon. 

    I commented to Jared about how silly it would have been for us to get a King-Size bed when our bedroom is so little. Jared commented about how we'd be too far apart to cuddle. I said that's impossible because he always sleeps in the middle, no matter what. 

    He made a joke about always sleeping in the middle so he could cuddle with me. That's what initiated the conversation in the very beginning of the post. 

    It might take us all of eternity to figure out how to make our different styles work together in harmony!

1 comment:

  1. this makes me laugh so hard because we totally have some of the same issues. i'm definitely a victim of the diagonal sleeper and getting a very small portion of the bed (although he always claims he stays on his side and never steals the blankets... yeah right... he sleeps like a rock and has no clue what's really going on...) sad thing is, we do have a king sized bed and it still seems small for us! ha ha!
