Stories from the lives of Jared, Stephanie, Aubrey, Hannah and Dani Or, Jare-phanie-brey-nah-ni

Friday, April 1, 2011

Yearly Check Up-DONE

    I don't like dentists. Never really have, as far as I can remember. I liked the stickers and the gift bag when I was little, but now it's different. If it wasn't for Jared setting up the appointment and telling me to go, I wouldn't have even gone today!

    Pain is not tolerated anywhere near my body. Just the sounds of what COULD be pain sends chills all over me. Despite the nice-ness of the lady who cleaned my teeth and the dentist, I do NOT want to go back until next year. 

    I have no cavities or any big problems right now. If something happens, I'll analyze the situation and see if it is really worth going back to endure MORE PAIN. 

    All I wanted was a quick check up. Instead, I was there for an hour and a half. The first hour was all about getting my teeth cleaned and having my gums bleed constantly. I floss daily, but apparently I haven't been flossing the right way. So my gums are all swollen or whatever and she kept stabbing them with that poky instrument they all have...I appreciate her apologizing, but it would have been better if she had just stopped. 

    Finally, she has mercy and finishes up. Mercy only lasted for a few minutes. She comes back with those x-ray things and says somethings look funny and I might have some infection in one of my tooth roots. cavity, but I have an infection. 

    Turns out it was nothing, but some crazy name I forgot how to pronounce. So no worries. Then he pointed out a bright spot no where near my teeth. He kept asking me what it might be, as if I knew what could be floating around somewhere in my JAW! He quickly explained as anger flashed in my face that when a previous dentist was putting in a filling, something that should have been sucked up wasn't and it's now been absorbed somewhere else. 

    Anger was replaced by panic, so he reassured me saying it was fine, nothing bad will come of it. WHEW!

    We moved on to him asking me how long I've had my temporary crowns...I have no idea...At least 4 years. He about had a heart attack. Apparently they aren't supposed to be in that long...Oh well. I think he tried to scare me into getting it fixed right away because he talked about how they don't fit teeth very well, because they are only meant to be temporary. One of the crowns in particular is sticking out a little, which means, he said, I could be getting bacteria under the crown. 

    I don't feel any pain, so I figure I'm good. It was a bad idea for the lady out front to say it was a 2 HOUR operation. I will NOT be going any time soon. Just an hour of getting my teeth cleaned was bad enough. I don't want anything labeled as an operation or anything longer than an hour. 

    If I do have to have, they better drug me up with that laughing gas and whatever else the heck they have. I still clearly remember the pain after getting my wisdom teeth out. 

    Maybe I can make a deal with them. They can do whatever they want to my teeth as long as I am DRUGGED while they do it and they better whiten my teeth while I'm drugged. Sounds about fair to me. 

    I know I'm supposed to go every 6 months...NOPE. I'm good with going only ONCE a YEAR!!

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