Stories from the lives of Jared, Stephanie, Aubrey, Hannah and Dani Or, Jare-phanie-brey-nah-ni

Monday, June 13, 2011

Life! Death. and Magic

    So one of the eggs hatched outside! It's way exciting and we are doing our best to still water our slowly dying plant around the nest so it can live and not get wet/cold. But I went out the other morning and I didn't see the ugly little baby bird in the nest...

    Either it got translated into heaven where it will be an angel missionary, or it somehow MAGICALLY grew overnight and flew away. 

    The other eggs have not hatched and one of the eggs is missing. I am so confused by what is going on with these birds. But I am optimistic and am sure they are doing fine!

    Other good and magical news, I have only seen one spider in our apartment in the past week. Miracle! And I killed this annoying hornet the other day. Stupid thing got stuck between the glass door and the screen on the patio. So when it was on the side farthest away from me, I opened the door a little bit, got my pest killer stuff and sprayed it! 

    That may sound like a terrible and cruel thing to do, but I do not tolerate bugs, especially ones that can get inside my safe place and hurt me. 

    Jared's little brother, Spencer, would be a little peeved at me for all the bugs I have killed. When I scream and tell Jared to kill a spider, even if it's itty bitty, I don't think about the icky thing's feelings...I don't even believe they have feelings. If they DID have feelings, they would understand my fear of them and stay away from me. Until that day of mutual understanding, I will have Jared kill every bug I see. And if he is not here, I will get a very thick wad of paper towels and smash it (or spray it if it flies).

    In fact, that sounds like a magic trick! There are a few magicians I used to see on TV who would put something in their hand or on the ground and put a cloth or towel over it. After waving their other hand a few times or whatever, and smacking it on top of the cloth, whatever was under the cloth disappears. Imagine: spider on the floor. I have a cloth (paper towel). After waving my hands around and running around the apartment, I cover the spider with the cloth and smack it. When I pick up the paper towel, TA DA! The spider disappears (into the cloth), never to be seen or heard from again.

    On a side note, Jared and I went to see Super 8 this past weekend. Oh my heck it was soooo good!

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