Stories from the lives of Jared, Stephanie, Aubrey, Hannah and Dani Or, Jare-phanie-brey-nah-ni

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Finding Things To Do

    Well, it's been two weeks since we've moved here and I'm running out of things to do!

    Luckily, there are places close by I can play at and I can get creative around the apartment. 

    Sunday, Jared and I found a safe access way to the Chattahoochee River! It's so close to our apartment and it will be SO PRETTY when the trees are not quite so dead. And it's a work out climbing back up the hill and stairs. My legs will be in great shape if I go down there about once a week. 

 This is my favorite photo of us down by the river

 Jared took a few pictures of just me. Thought I'd put them on here because he's mentioned once or twice I hardly ever put pictures of me on the blog...which may be true :)

 So here's another photo of just me and the river

 And another one of just me and the river

    I interviewed at a Bank of America last week and discovered it's a pretty good walk! Not even a mile to get there and along the way are places to eat, get hot chocolate and there is a CVS. So if ever I am desperate, I can always walk to those places. I don't drink coffee, but it sure smells good when it's made the right way!!

    Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches don't make my tummy happy, but peanut butter cookies sure are yummy! So I made peanut butter cookies Tuesday and got to use my new mixer!

    For the past year, whenever I made cookies or anything, I had to use a spoon and mix everything by hand. Oh my goodness, it's so nice being able to use an electric mixer!

    Anyhow, it's just been fun trying to find things to do. Now that our apartment is pretty much done and everything is unpacked (everything that needs to be, that is) I'm left to my own devices!

1 comment:

  1. I am pretty sure it is not "Just you" in those pictures. I see Stephanie AND baby!
