Stories from the lives of Jared, Stephanie, Aubrey, Hannah and Dani Or, Jare-phanie-brey-nah-ni

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Where Did The Time Go!?

    Oh my goodness, I have only four weeks left from my due date! Which means this baby can pretty much come any time, from what I've heard.

    When it was March 11th, I was freaking out a little because we were down to a month. Now, we're down to just four weeks! Pretty soon we'll be able to countdown on our fingers the days til she comes.

    Every couple nights I tell Jared I'm a little scared for the day to come closer. I keep feeling we aren't prepared. I've been told now should be my nesting phase as we get ready for the baby to come, but I'm not nesting. I'm running around with my head cut off trying to think of things we need to get!

    Her room is a mess right now with her clothes all over the place. We're still working on finishing the dresser where we will put all the clothes. The bathroom stuff is still MIA, but we're getting a few things. My friend Rachel sent me a really cute towel, which we love! 

    We really have lots of the things we need, I just get frantic about not being ready when she comes. It would be great if she would come when I want her to, rather than when she feels like it's time!

    But, I know it's not that easy :) We'll just see what happens I guess. That seems to be what I say the most lately. It's my new catch-phrase. 

    "We'll see what happens"

    Oh, we got a few of our maternity pictures! They are on Rhonda Rae Photography's Facebook page (click on her name. It's a link to the page). When we get all of them, I'll put a few of our favorite pictures on here.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, just remember that as you go, you'll realize what you need and Jared can run out and get it. I had to keep reminding myself that stores don't close just because my baby is here. So, anything you might forget or not have ready can still get done after she gets here. Really, all she initially needs is you, some clothes, some diapers, some wipes, a car seat and a place to sleep!
