Stories from the lives of Jared, Stephanie, Aubrey, Hannah and Dani Or, Jare-phanie-brey-nah-ni

Monday, March 5, 2012

Feeling More Prepared

    Ok, so I know I have NO idea what we're getting in to with this baby, but there are a few things that are making me feel better. 

    For example, I've had some good doctor visits lately. And now that I have a little over a month left, I'll start going every week. The tests have all come back good and the baby has a great heartbeat. She's moving like crazy, which is always a great sign!

    Another good thing is I know the basics about infant CPR and what to do if she's choking. A while back I learned how to do it for babysitting and stuff, but thought I had forgotten most of it. Jared looked up videos on YouTube and I pretty much knew what to do :) It was good to have a refresher, but I hope to NEVER have to use what I know. 

    I got a nursing kit from the doctor's office, which is kinda fun. It has lots of information in it and some free samples. Love free samples!!

    Jared is finishing the dresser and we're checking out a chair this weekend which will complete our furniture needs for the baby's room. We'll get a few more things we need, like bathroom stuff, and then the only thing left for me to freak out about her actually coming!

    The doctor's office gave me some great referrals for pediatricians and we can do a tour of the hospital facilities, which will help me feel a little prepared. Since it's our first baby, I might freak out over every little thing :)

    I'll never be full prepared, and I know that. But I want to be as prepared as I can. As far as parenting classes go, there are some weekend ones we could do, but they are all day things. We'll see if we do one of those or not. 

    I'm also kinda ready for the crazy nights with the fact I'm not sleeping well now. Naps keep me going or I'd probably be a zombie :) With all the bathroom breaks, the heartburn and the crazy ninja kicks I wake up more than a couple times during the night. And then the few nights where it is unbearably hot, I don't sleep much at all!

    But we are so excited for this baby! We're excited to put her in all her cute outfits when she spits up or gets each of them dirty! We're excited to play with her and get her to make fun faces! 

    We know it'll be tough and we can't really plan what will happen, but we're ready to learn and will try to have a good attitude about everything!

    I love and appreciate advice! What are some tips to cope with the last month of pregnancy?


  1. That 9 months went by fast! Are ya'll living in Nashville? We're in Oxford, so not too far. You will be an awesome mom. Congratulations!
    -Hannah Shirley

  2. Thank you so much Hannah!

    We're in Atlanta now. Moved here the beginning of the year for Jared's new job. I didn't realize ya'll were in Oxford! How fun!
