Stories from the lives of Jared, Stephanie, Aubrey, Hannah and Dani Or, Jare-phanie-brey-nah-ni

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Great Mardi Gras!

    March 8, 2011 was Mardi Gras Day and it's amazing how no one celebrates it, except for those who already know what it is. It used to be a whole season, but now it has turned into one day no one remembers. But that hasn't stopped me from having a little fun!

    Jared and I celebrated Mardi Gras the best we could with a budget and in only a few hours when he was home from work. So, I made crepes! For a wedding present, we got a crepe maker and had no idea when we would ever use it. What a great present we never thought we'd use! It worked great yesterday and we are so excited to use it more! 

    And crepes are so easy to make! Mix two eggs, 1/2 cup of milk, 1/2 cup of water, 1/4 tsp of salt and 2 tbsp of melted butter. When that is all blended with a whisk, add in 1 cup of all-purpose flour and keep mixing. It's best to make this an hour or two before using it so it isn't all lumpy when you want to make the crepes. And it's simple! Just dip the hot thing in a little pan and pull it back out. Let the batter sit on the hot thing for a few seconds, and then they are ready to peel off. 

    Because dessert crepes are probably the best things ever, and that is what we did!

We had strawberry and chocolate pudding, whipped cream, chocolate syrup, bananas and peach jam for our dessert toppings! 
I even got to experiment and I made fried apples to put in the crepes!! Just got some butter, cinnamon, and brown sugar and I sautéd the apples for about 20 minutes.

We had a great time making our desserts and it'll be so fun doing this and more next year!

Jared was so great and did the dishes after I made the huge mess! :)
What a great husband! Look at him scrubbing away!

    Next year I'll have tons of green, gold and purple decorations all over the apartment! And I'll make a King Cake and maybe even Gumbo if I can get an easy recipe! It's times like these when I wish I was back in Mississippi celebrating the day in style! 

    Even though it's the day after, I'm still going to watch Princess and the talks about Mardi Gras and I am thoroughly entertained by animated movies!!

    I pulled a head by watching Empire of the Sun which makes the running tally of movies watched for the other person: Jared 2     Stephanie 3

1 comment:

  1. ooh! love it! you know what else is really good in crepes? lemon juice and sugar. mmm.... we love crepes!
