Stories from the lives of Jared, Stephanie, Aubrey, Hannah and Dani Or, Jare-phanie-brey-nah-ni

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hooray for Holidays!

    For those who didn't know, yesterday was National Pi Day! In honor of the fun holiday, I thought I would try something new and make a pie! I loved being in the BYU Daily Universe newsroom when there would be random but awesome holidays, like Chocolate Day and Pi Day because Kaye would always want to celebrate them.

    I was able to find some simple recipes that I had all the ingredients for (which isn't very much!) But I found a crust recipe that only needed: flour, cooking oil, salt and milk. I have all of those things! Started making it, and it seemed to be OK. Not as thin as I would have wanted, but it was the best I could do with only my hands! :)

    Next was the filling. I had forgotten Jared and I ate one of the last two apples the night before while watching a movie! But we have a bunch of oranges...don't worry, I didn't make an orange fruit pie! I just used that one, last, sad apple, which ended up being just fine! I mixed it with the sugar and cinnamon and put it all in the pie dish to bake!

 It looks so happy in its little home!

    When it came out, it looked and smelled so good! Almost seemed like a normal pie, which is really all I wanted.

It wasn't burned or anything! And it looks so nice on the wood table.

    If anyone wants the recipe, just let me know! I'm sure everyone has their own recipes, but this one was totally easy and if I can do it, anyone can!

    Now that dessert was made, it was time to start working on dinner. Jared wanted chicken and we got some green beans for a nice side dish so we thought we would just have that. But I found a small simple idea on the side of the green bean can! I made the decision to make what the can said. 

Ta Da! Chicken and Green Bean Alfredo! It's just pasta, chicken, green beans and alfredo. hahaha!

    So dinner was made, dessert was ready. All I had left to do was wait for Jared to get home and tell me I'm an awesome wife! :) Which he totally did!

Pi Day was a great success and I'm excited to make an even better pie next time!

    Dinner was super filling, so we had our little Family Home Evening before eating the pie. Jared was in charge of the activity because I did the lesson and treat.

We played a card game and ate pie when we had room in our tummies for it!

    This morning we woke up to a great view out of our patio window. The trees are blossoming and everything is looking so beautiful!

I'm excited for when we get patio furniture so we can sit outside on the weekends and enjoy the wonderful weather and scenery! (And the pool is super close, so I'm sure I'll be over there tanning as soon as I can!)

    The running tally of movies watched for the other person has changed again! Jared 3     Stephanie 4. 
    Jared was super great and watched Kronk's New Groove with me on YouTube! I love Disney movies and that one is a favorite of mine!

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